Campaign Updates

Fundraising Deadline: Do you have a spare $9000 sitting around?

Fundraising Deadline: Do you have a spare $9000 sitting around?

Jul 31, 2020

If there’s two causes for which I’ve been a steadfast…

Let’s Get Moving!

Let’s Get Moving!

Jul 14, 2020

I won’t keep you in suspense – I plan to…

Great news for the Freeway Fight

Great news for the Freeway Fight

Jun 30, 2020

Today, according to reports from Willamette Week and The Portland…

What does Black Lives Matter mean for Metro?

What does Black Lives Matter mean for Metro?

Jun 25, 2020

Do you hear the sound of glass breaking? Those are…

On to November

On to November

May 20, 2020

It has been an incredible experience running in a race…

“Chris Smith Geeky. Informed. Workaholic. He’s no average activist”

“Chris Smith Geeky. Informed. Workaholic. He’s no average activist”

Feb 26, 2020

This column, written by Anna Griffin, was originally published in…