Thank you for everything!

While I’m disappointed in the results this election, I’m extremely proud of the grassroots campaign that I ran. I voluntarily capped campaign contributions to limit the influence of big money and corporate power in our elections, and our community responded. I received donations from 730 individual donors, with a median donation size under $50. As of election day, we actually raised slightly more money than my opponent during the general election! This is an unheard of accomplishment for a Metro Council race, and proof that it’s possible to run a campaign in line with these values. I am grateful to the wide community support that allowed me to run a competitive campaign without taking large checks, money from fossil fuel interests, or from PACs. 

Second, I’m also so proud that the district responded so positively to my campaign’s primary message: our regional government must be a leader on climate. With wildfires at our region’s doorstep this fall, it’s more apparent than ever that we need dramatic, urgent action on climate change, and I look forward to politely but firmly lobbying Metro to prioritize bold climate action in the months and years ahead. 

There’s plenty more work to be done – I look forward to continuing to hold my position on the Portland Planning and Sustainability Commission where we have several important housing policy issues in front of us, continuing to fight the Rose Quarter Freeway Expansion, and finding other opportunities to uplift youth and frontline communities to fight for transportation options, climate justice and affordable housing.  It’s been an honor to run for this office, and I’m grateful for the immense support of all who voted for, donated to, endorsed or volunteered on my campaign.

Thank you, each and every one of you, for your support. Our work here is not done: what we built always would have mattered more than election results. The hard work is still ahead of us, friends, and I hope you’ll join me in continuing to fight for a better future for all Portlanders.

Take care,
